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Hypnotherapy for smoking

Quitting Smoking Myths

Smoking helps me relax

Smoking gives you a short-term temporary ‘high’ inevitably followed by a longer low. Nicotine is a stimulant and not a relaxant. 

It’s too late for me quit

Hypnosis has been shown to be incredibly effective in helping clients quit smoking no matter how much they smoke and how long they have smoked for.

I will start again

With Hypnotherapy, we address the psychological and physiological root cause of the smoking habit. This helps minimise the chances for a relapse. 

The power of your mind

You can choose to see smoking as an addiction that you are slave to or to see it as a habit that you have the power to kick. At The Hypno Room, I choose to see it as the latter. 

Smoking is driven by hardwired ‘reward pathways’ in the brain that give a very short and temporary ‘high’ after smoking. In my hypnotherapy sessions, I will scientifically take you through the psychological and physiological journey of your body and mind as it relates to your smoking habit. I will then use a suite of hypnosis techniques to help you understand why you smoke and to eliminate the very root of this addiction.

Research has shown that hypnosis is an extremely quick and effective technique to help you rewire the neurological pathways in your brain that fuel unhelpful habits and thinking patterns. We can do this together. The only pre-requisite is a genuine desire to achieve your goal of quitting smoking. 

You can do this with willpower alone, but it’s much easier and faster to go smoke-free with hypnosis. 

Quit smoking with hypnosis

What to expect in your therapy session

Sessions can either be in-person at my practice rooms in Richmond, London or online via Zoom. The therapy is equally effective whether done in-person or online. 

  • We will begin with an initial phone consultation to ensure that you understand the therapy process in more detail and to answer any questions.
  • This will be followed by some exercises that you would need to complete at home ahead of our live session.
  • Our therapy session will be bespoke and customised to your specific case.
  • During the session, I will help you understand the way your addiction works and the various reasons why you smoke.
  • We will then practice ways of gently rewiring your brain using several CBT, mindfulness and hypnosis techniques.