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Memories for life

A calm and gentle birthing experience

Learn the techniques to give birth confidently and without fear


A calm, happy birth 

Have you heard many happy birth stories? Probably not. Modern society and medicine push us women towards an assembly line of heavily medicated births, taking away all our control. You can choose to be different and make your birthing your own. Contrary to popular belief, you can do Hypnobirthing within a hospital or birthing centre, without putting yourself or your baby at risk.

I will give you the tools and techniques to prepare for your upcoming birth in a gentle and calm way. My Hypnobirthing techniques will enable you to enjoy your baby’s birth while being relaxed and conscious and fully in control. 


Natural birthing 

You are having a baby! It’s one of the most exciting times in your life. Feeling nervous or apprehensive about the birth? Don’t worry, this is completely natural. The most important thing is to have the right state of mind to have a great birthing experience and ensure that your baby’s birth is a beautiful memory that you will always hold in your heart. Giving birth can be one of the most empowering moments of your life, filled with pure jubilation and pride, irrespective of your birth circumstances.

Hypnobirthing course details

Duration: 7 hour course. The sessions are typically split across two or three days.

Location: I currently offer this course either in-person in Richmond, London or online on Zoom. 

Price: Group couple session: £350 per couple. Individual couple session: £600.



Your birthing body

The course will cover various aspects of the physiology of the female body and the central role that hormones play in the process of birthing. You will learn about the stages of labour and your birthing body. Finally, you will feel inspired to research more around birth, how to ask the right questions and be in control of your choices.

Natural birth

Deep relaxation

You will learn self-hypnosis and breathing techniques to support your body and focus your mind. You will practice and learn various tried and tested techniques that will help you through different stages of labour. Self-hypnosis will help you to go into your birthing zone quickly and easily. 

Hypnobirthing in SW London

Let go of fears

The Hypnobirthing techniques that you learn will ensure that you can approach your baby’s birth with calm and relaxed excitement. You will be able to let go of your fears and replace them with confidence in your abilities to birth naturally and on your own.