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Ready to unlock your potential?

Get in touch to book a free 20 minute consultation.

+44 7511045019
The Practice Rooms Richmond,
 1 Union Court, Richmond, TW9 1AA
GHR Registered Practitioner
GHSC Accredited Practitioner

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens in the initial chat?

This initial conversation has no fee and  is obligation free. We will discuss the specific issue you're looking to address and to explore the potential outcomes. If your concern is a fit for Hypnotherapy, I'll tell you a bit about my approach and offer a clear view of what you can expect in terms of outcome.  

Following this, we can arrange your first appointment, typically dedicated to assessment and consultation. 

What happens in the first session?

The first session will be 60-90 minutes long, depending on your availability. We will use this session to assess the situation and get some background on things. E.g.  I can't help you with anxiety unless I fully understand what causes it, how it manifests and what impact it has on you. 

Can I request a hypnosis in each session?

I will provide you with a range of tools and techniques to overcome your challenges. I will bring in hypnosis as often as is necessary.