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Hypnotherapy for Burnout

Burnout symptoms: Do you recognise some of these?

Physical Symptoms

Chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal pain, dizziness, fainting, or headaches.

Anxiety/ Depression

Tension, worry, edginess, hopelessness or emptiness, often about work, that can spill over into personal life.


Developing a negative, distrustful attitude towards colleagues, clients and work in general.

Increased Procrastination

Consistently putting off important tasks, leading to a backlog of work and increased stress.

Fear of social situations

Social phobia leads to anxiety, feelings of being judged and impacts work, school, and relationships.

Work-Life Imbalance

Difficulty separating work from personal life, working longer hours, insomnia, disconnection from relationships.


How Burnout Takes Root

Burnout doesn't happen overnight. It's a gradual process, often stemming from unconscious behaviours and thought patterns. Some key factors that contribute to burnout include:

  • High performance expectations
  • Constant striving for perfection
  • Fear of making mistakes
  • An overwhelming desire to do everything right

Burnout is best understood as a multifaceted and layered phenomenon. Far from being just the result of workplace stress, burnout emerges from a complex web of psychological and biological elements that have the potential to impact anyone, regardless of their profession or lifestyle.


 The Snowball Effect

As burnout persists, its effects can become increasingly severe. Left untreated, it can lead to a downward spiral affecting all aspects of life. Here's what you need to know about the consequences of prolonged burnout:

  1. Social Withdrawal: Individuals may start avoiding social interactions, pulling away from family, friends, and colleagues.
  2. Negative Thought Patterns: A vicious cycle of pessimism and hopelessness can develop, making it hard to see a way out.
  3. Life Disruptions: Both personal and professional lives suffer, leading to psychosocial, physical, and even economic challenges.
  4. Work Performance Issues: Concentration and attention problems can arise, potentially jeopardizing job security.
  5. Increased Health Risks: In severe cases, the risk of suicide may increase. Some individuals might turn to substance abuse as a coping mechanism.
  6. Physical Symptoms: Sleep disturbances, appetite changes, breathing difficulties, and gastrointestinal issues often accompany burnout.
  7. Loss of Interest: Energy depletion can lead to disinterest in once-loved hobbies and activities.
  8. Isolation: As the condition progresses, feelings of loneliness and desperation may intensify.



How can Hypnotherapy help? 

We can change your story, the way you feel within weeks. Here is how:

  • Identify and change negative thought patterns that may be contributing to burnout
  • Develop coping mechanisms for dealing with stress
  • Set realistic goals and expectations so you are excited without feeling pressured
  • Improve work-life balance, set boundaries between work and personal life
  • Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques
  • Engage in physical activity
  • Develop a support network to reach out to when you feel overwhelmed
  • Improve your body's ability to relax 
  • Work on time management and assertive communication skills