
Recognising Anxiety symptoms and seeking help

Written by Chinmai Gupta | Apr 18, 2024 4:17:03 PM

Everyone has feelings of anxiety every now and then. It might be an upcoming exam you may feel anxious about or a medical procedure. It could be the conversation with your manager or waiting for a promotion. It could be when you wait for your child to come home and it’s way past the time they said they would be back. During times like these, that feeling of unease, worry and anxiety can be perfectly normal. Anxiety is a natural response to stress, a mechanism that helps us prepare for potential dangers and challenges.

However, when anxiety becomes persistent or overwhelming, and starts to impact aspects of your life, it may be a sign that you need help. Here are some signs to take note of:

Worrying more than normal

One of the primary indicators that anxiety may be affecting your life is persistent and excessive worry. If you find yourself constantly ruminating over negative thoughts and “what-ifs,” and these thoughts interfere with your daily activities, you might want to seek help. These worries might be related to various aspects of your life, such as work, relationships, health, or finances.

Avoidance behaviour

Anxiety can lead to avoidance behaviour, where individuals start avoiding situations or places that trigger their anxiety. For example, someone with social anxiety might avoid social gatherings or public speaking events. While avoidance may offer temporary relief, it can eventually isolate you from valuable experiences and hinder personal growth.

Physical Symptoms

At some point, anxiety can start affecting your body. Common signs accompanying heightened anxiety include headaches, muscle tension, gastrointestinal discomfort, rapid heartbeat, and breathing irregularities. Should these symptoms persist without a clear medical explanation, seeking assistance to address underlying anxiety may be advisable.

Sleep Disturbances

Elevated anxiety levels can disrupt sleep patterns, resulting in difficulties falling asleep, maintaining sleep, or experiencing excessive sleepiness. Insomnia and restless nights can lead to fatigue, irritability, and increased vulnerability to anxiety. Sleep deprivation can exacerbate anxiety symptoms, creating a vicious cycle that may require professional intervention.

Changes in Appetite

Anxiety can affect changes in eating patterns. While come people indulge in comfort eating, leading to an increase in weight, others may experience a loss of appetite, leading to unintended weight loss. These changes in appetite can further contribute to emotional distress and have adverse effects on your physical health.

Impact on relationships and work

Anxiety can strain both personal relationships and those at the workplace. Constant worry, irritability, and difficulty expressing emotions or needs may lead to misunderstandings and conflicts with loved ones or colleagues. If you notice that your anxiety is affecting your ability to connect with others or maintain healthy relationships, seeking help is crucial.

Decline in Work or Academic Performance

Excessive worry and anxiety may compromise focus, concentration, and overall performance levels. Feeling overwhelmed and struggling to meet deadlines or maintain usual competence could signify an underlying connection to anxiety. Recognising and addressing these challenges promptly is crucial in mitigating potential long-term setbacks in both professional and educational endeavours.

CBT, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, Medication

These are the therapies that I use in my practice to help clients achieve wonderful results.